Tuesday 2 February 2016

Day one of changing my body!

Now I'm not over weight at all. And before getting pregnant I loved by belly! After having a baby it's not the worst but I'm not happy with it. It's a bit loose and when I sit down there is rolls which their wasn't before! 

More than anything it's the number on the scales that matter to me! 
Before Being pregnant I was 8 and a half stone. 9 was the highest. 

Since having Logan I am now 10 stone! Which is insaine to me because I never have time to eat so I don't know how that happened! 

My aim is to tone my belly and loose them numbers on the scales! 

To start with I'm going to be healthy eating and doing Charlotte Crosbys belly blitz! (I hear it's hard so wish me good luck) 

I will be weighing weekly! 

So week 1:

Weight: 10st exactly 

Inspiration photo : it was a jokey one!!! 

Get to know me!

Hi everyone :) 

If you didn't know, my name is Abi and I live in the Midlands. Here is just a few facts about me for you to get to know me and get to know the person your reading about 😊 

I have a gorgeous little boy named Logan and I am engaged to his daddy. We have been together now for 3 years but aren't planning a wedding together. 

I am a stay at home mum which is hard work but I wouldn't change it for the world! 

I love the small things in life, walks, playtime, the park, feeding the ducks, cuddles on the sofa with a hot chocolate and a blanket, take aways! 

I'm not happy about so many aspects of my life but I plan to be! That's the whole point of my blog, to inspire me to focus on me and not other people! 

I love so many mums that Iv never met! Iv met them all online and they care more about me and Logan than anyone of my real friends do! I wish they lived closer :( 

Today I'm starting my health kick. Partly because I'm so skint at the moment I can't afford luxury food 😂 and partly because everything is fresh made for the weaning child :) 

Nice to meet you! X 

Realising I'm human and making a blog about me!

So, I had a realisation today, yes I am a mum, and I love the job so much. 


I am human?!! 

Who new! 

Besides living my life 24/7 for my son and spending all my time doing everything for him and my fiancé I took a step back today and realised I am human too. 

I'm not too human though, I still don't want to be away from my baby for even a second but I do need to focus more on what I like to do and what I'm interested in. 

For instance, I want to improve my body, after having a baby it changes and I want to get it back. So I will get started now and document as I go! 

I want to start standing up for myself to the people who talk down to me. 

I want to get out more, even if just to the park or the canal, just to refresh my mind every now and then! 

I want to spend time doing my hair and nails! 

Basically just spending time having more fun instead of sitting in the house worrying about things or feeling guilty about things. 

I have the worst anxiety and no wonder if I'm not trying to live for myself right?! 

So welcome to MY blog. ALL about me and my life! (Mostly) 

As Logan is my life he will be along on my journey. You can read all about him in my other blog! Go take a look :) 
